Physical Characteristics of the Basenji Dog
Basenji Dog (Definite Introduction)

The ideal height for a male Besenji is 17 inches at the withers; for a female it is 16 inches. The distance from breast to rump is 17 inches for males; the distance from breast to rump for females is 16 inches. The male weighs approximately 24 pounds; the female weighs approximately 22 pounds. In this height and weight range, the structure is light.
Morphological characteristics

The head is held high and proud. The skull is flat, with a prominent surface and a flat width, tapering gradually towards the target of the eyes. The foreface tapers from the eyes to the target of the muzzle, with a clear stop. The ears are straight and there are wrinkles on the forehead, which are delicate and rich. Side folds are also necessary, but they must not be too exaggerated and spread to the throat. Puppies' wrinkles should be very noticeable, as puppies lack dark shading, lack of obvious melanin, tricolor and patterned coats.
Small, erect, slightly helmet-shaped, fine in quality, on the top of the head, pointing to the front.
The color ranges from dark hazel to dark brown, almond-shaped, slightly slanted, and the eyes can see far away. Eye circles and dark complexion.
It is best for the nose to be black.
The tone is slightly shorter than the skull, neither rough nor slender, with an arc-shaped chin. The teeth are evenly spaced and have a scissors bite.
 Hands and feet
  Rich and muscular.
The feet are small, oval and compact, with abundant pads and well-arched toes. Dewclaws are often removed.
Located high at the end of the topline, curved strongly forward and resting on the side of the body.
The coat is short and delicate. The skin is very smooth.
Coat color
Chestnut red; solid black; three colors (solid black and chestnut red); freckles (chestnut red background with blackFreckles); all wear white paws, chest and tail tip. White legs, white tendons and a scarf are insignificant. White should not trump the main color and become the dominant color. Colors and patterns should be rich, clean and clear, and there should be obvious and clear boundaries between black, red, patterns or stripes.
A quick, brisk trot, with a long stride, a smooth, brisk pace, and a well-maintained topline. When coming or going (viewed from the front and back), the forelimbs from the shoulder joint to the paws and the hind limbs from the buttocks to the pads should be straight and not loose. The claws approach the core line of the body. When the speed decreases, the claws converge closer to the core line.

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